Calabrese Associates, P.C.

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Legal Options After Marital Disputes in Illinois

 Posted on March 06,2024 in Divorce

IL divorcel lawyerMarital disputes can make you feel completely isolated. Social media is full of carefully created but usually unrealistic portrayals of “perfect” marriages. When you and your spouse are having a serious argument, or your spouse has done something that truly upset you, you might not know what to do. While virtually all married couples have disagreements, some types of disputes or misconduct are more serious than others and may lead to the marriage ending. Some spouses choose divorce right away while others may choose to try to reconcile. You have legal options if your marriage is struggling or you begin to question whether your marriage is worth trying to save. A Naperville, IL, family law attorney can help you determine what your options are and how to protect yourself.

If You Are in Danger, Get a Protection Order 

First, if your dispute turned physical and you fear that your spouse might commit further violence against you, getting a protection order can help keep you and any children you have safe. This type of order can force your spouse out of the marital home immediately and prevent them from coming to your workplace or otherwise contacting or getting near you.

Legal Separation Can be Temporary

If you are not quite prepared to file for divorce but you need to be away from your spouse, legal separation is an option. Spouses who legally separate can have certain court orders put in place, like a temporary child custody order. If you reconcile, you can easily dissolve the separation and just stay married. If you do not, you have the option of converting your separation agreement to a divorce agreement.

Request a Postnuptial Agreement 

While you cannot force your spouse to sign a postnuptial agreement, you can choose to get divorced or legally separated if your spouse refuses to work with you to create one. If your spouse has hidden money from you, spent marital finances recklessly, or had an affair, it may be wise to protect yourself financially in preparation for divorce.

Divorce is an Option

If you have reached a point where you no longer want to be with your spouse at all, you have the option of getting divorced. Divorce can help you divide your marital assets fairly and create a parenting plan if you have children.

Contact a Naperville, IL Family Law Attorney

Calabrese Associates, P.C. can help you with any of these legal options. Our knowledgeable DuPage County, IL family law and divorce lawyers will work with you to help you choose the option that is best for you. Contact us at 630-393-3111 to begin a confidential consultation.

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