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Is Your Spouse Hiding Assets During Your Divorce? 3 Ways to Get Your Fair Share

 Posted on April 08, 2022 in Divorce

naperville divorce lawyerThe division of assets and debts is a crucial aspect of any divorce case. Unfortunately, with the breakdown of trust in a marriage, one spouse may feel entitl​​ed to the lion’s share of assets in a divorce—and may even begin concealing some property to protect it from division. Obviously, the better picture you have of those assets, the better your chances of a fair and equitable property distribution. These three strategies will help you get what you are entitled to in your divorce.

Get Professional Legal Help

If discovering hidden marital property seems like an impossible task, you may be right—if you attempt it on your own. This is absolutely the time to call in the professionals, starting with an experienced divorce attorney. From there, specialists like a forensic accountant, private investigator, and business evaluation expert can assist your attorney in recovering marital assets that have been fraudulently hidden, sold, or transferred. Therefore, once you have documented what you can, leave the heavy lifting to your team.

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Top 6 Reasons DuPage County Couples Should Have a Prenuptial Agreement

 Posted on March 31, 2022 in Prenuptial Agreements

DuPage County Marital Agreement LawyerGetting a prenuptial agreement does not mean that you are preparing for divorce–far from it. Couples who are able to successfully negotiate a prenuptial agreement show excellent communication and compromise skills, which are both indicative of a strong couple. Prenuptial agreements can actually cover more than just divorce terms, and can also help couples who do make it until death do they part. However, there is always a chance that you will one day decide to split up, in which case your prenuptial agreement can protect both of you. There are also legal safeguards in place to prevent a drastically unfair agreement from being enforced, so the risk level might be lower than you think. It is always a good idea to be represented by your own attorney while entering a prenuptial agreement. 

Why Should Every Couple Have a Prenuptial Agreement?

Having a prenuptial agreement in place can be extremely helpful in the event that you do get divorced, but the reasons you need one are not limited to the agreement’s helpfulness in divorce. Reasons you might want a prenuptial agreement include: 

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Is My Child Legally My Child?

 Posted on March 24, 2022 in Paternity

DuPage County Paternity LawyerIt is simple fact that every child has a biological mother and a biological father. Whether the child was conceived through assisted reproductive technology like surrogacy, adopted, or conceived naturally, there are two biological parents. However, being a biological parent does not mean that you are your child’s legal parent as well–nor does being a child’s legal parent mean that you must be a biological parent. Parentage issues can be quite complicated, but establishing parentage may or may not be. Illinois is a rather progressive state when it comes to parentage issues. If you have concerns about establishing that you are your child’s legal parent, a family law attorney may be able to help. 

Why is Legal Parentage Important?

Legal parentage opens up a lot of doors both for the parents and for the child. A second legal parent must be established before the custodial parent can pursue child support. A person must be legally established as a child’s parent before they can pursue any type of joint custody arrangement that allows them to spend time with the child. 

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What to Expect in a DuPage County High-Asset Divorce

 Posted on March 17, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County High-Asset Divorce LawyerDivorce can be difficult and complicated for anyone. Even for spouses who do not share many assets, there can still be quite a lot of conflict during a divorce. However, if you and your spouse–or one of you alone–hold assets of significant value, the road to a final divorce decree can be even rockier. Dividing your assets is likely to be the most time-consuming and legally difficult part of your divorce. Even sorting out who actually owns what can be difficult if your marriage lasted more than a few years. You may endure more conflict throughout. It is critical that you find an attorney who is experienced with guiding people through high-asset divorce. This kind of divorce takes skill. 

What Concerns May Arise During High-Asset Divorce?

Dividing your marital assets will naturally be more difficult the more assets you own. Some assets, like stock portfolios, real estate holdings, and joint businesses, are difficult to divide. Concerns you should be aware of include:

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Top 5 Reasons DuPage Spouses Resort to Divorce Litigation

 Posted on March 10, 2022 in Divorce

Naperville Family Law AttorneyWhen mediation works, it can be a great solution during a divorce. It costs less than litigation, and it often gets you a final divorce decree much faster so you can move on with your life. However, mediation requires a certain amount of cooperation from both parties. That means that mediation is not going to work for every divorcing couple. Some spouses refuse to participate in good faith or to make reasonable concessions. Attorney-facilitated negotiation can fail for the same reasons. If you suspect that your spouse will not work with you during the divorce process, it is particularly important that you find an attorney with strong courtroom skills, as the odds that your divorce will be contested are high. 

Signs That Your Divorce May End in Litigation

Any one of these factors alone can potentially result in a contested divorce. If you identify with multiple factors, it may be a good idea to start mentally preparing yourself for divorce litigation. 

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What Should I Do If My Spouse Surprised Me By Asking For a Divorce? 

 Posted on February 28, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerThe worst nightmare of many people comes true when their spouse unexpectedly asks for a divorce. Sometimes the marriage may not be going well, but reconciliation seems likely; other times, the announcement comes completely out of the blue. It can be frightening and difficult to know what to do, and the idea of hiring a divorce attorney may seem painful and unnecessary. 

But if you have been surprised by a request for a divorce, it is important to take your spouse seriously and not put off taking practical actions. You may eventually be able to change your spouse’s mind, but if you cannot, you may put yourself at a serious disadvantage by waiting to find a divorce attorney. 

Assess the Situation Realistically 

Studies suggest that divorces can be more traumatic for many people than the death of a spouse, especially when one spouse does not want the divorce to happen. Other studies suggest that people who get divorced are often not happier later, and many regret it. But while all these things may be true, if your spouse has made up his or her mind, you need to be able to look at the situation honestly. 

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Does it Make Sense For Us to Sign a Postnuptial Agreement in Illinois? 

 Posted on February 22, 2022 in Divorce

Naperville Family Law AttorneyCouples engaged to be married in DuPage County may choose not to create a prenuptial agreement for several reasons. They may feel that such an agreement detracts from their commitment, or they may believe they do not have sufficient assets to justify the time and expense required to create such a contract. However, once a couple has gotten married, the benefits of a similar contract - the postnuptial agreement - may become clear. Creating a postnup does not mean you plan to get divorced; rather, it allows spouses to protect each other if a divorce does happen. Couples create postnups for many reasons, but knowing the most common reasons may help you decide whether you want to create your own. 

Common Reasons For Creating a Postnuptial Agreement

A postnup can address many of the same topics as a prenup and is bound by similar limitations. For example, a couple cannot decide how to handle child support or child custody in their postnup, but they may address other issues that usually have to do with finances. Here are some common reasons couples decide to sign a postnup in Illinois: 

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Should We Include a Plan for Relocation in Our Illinois Parenting Agreement? 

 Posted on February 15, 2022 in Divorce

DuPage County Divorce LawyerAlthough some people choose to continue living in the same house with their ex-partner or try the “birds nest” living arrangement after a divorce, couples getting divorced in Illinois nearly always relocate. Whether to be closer to family, to pursue a new job, or to try to start fresh after a painful separation, relocation with a child following divorce is common enough that some parents choose to include special provisions for relocation in the parenting plan in their divorce agreement. While Illinois laws concerning child relocation still apply, parents can agree to stricter or more personalized details in their parenting plan

Know Illinois Child Relocation Law

While parents may agree to give each other more time than necessary to consent to or negotiate over a potential relocation, it is important to know how Illinois family law sees this issue. If a parent has majority parenting time or splits parenting time 50/50, that parent requires permission from the other parent or from the court to move under the following circumstances: 

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Can Using Legal Drugs Affect My Parenting Time in Illinois? 

 Posted on February 10, 2022 in Parenting Time (Visitation)

Naperville Parenting Time LawyerSince Illinois Governor J.B. Pritzker signed the Illinois Cannabis Regulation and Tax Act into law in 2019, many Hoosiers have used recreational marijuana. Marijuana is widely available and some people who use it find themselves struggling to regulate their use. Likewise, although alcohol is legal, people who drink sometimes struggle with how often or how much they drink. Prescription drugs can also be misused or present a hazard when used in conjunction with important responsibilities, like driving a car or providing childcare. While the use of these intoxicants is not illegal, certain behaviors–such as drinking and driving–can get a user in serious trouble with the law. Additionally, using legal substances inappropriately may have an impact on your ability to get or keep parenting time with your children.

Can Marijuana or Alcohol Use Be Used Against Me in Family Court?

While marijuana or alcohol use in and of itself cannot be a reason for a court to restrict a parent’s access to his or her child, using legal substances in a way that might harm the child’s physical, mental, or emotional development and health can be. While this includes driving under the influence, it also includes other concerning behaviors. These include:

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Why Do So Many People File for Divorce in Illinois When Their Last Child Leaves Home? 

 Posted on January 31, 2022 in Divorce

shutterstock_444637333.jpgAfter a couple’s last child moves out of the family home, the couple will often experience something known as an “empty nest syndrome.” While many parents frequently look forward to the day that they will reclaim some of their time and their space without the challenges of raising young children, the same parents are often surprised by how blue they feel once their children are actually gone. 

Without the demands of young children requiring their constant focus, many spouses begin reflecting on their lives from a new perspective. With a better understanding of the time that has passed and the time that remains to them, empty nesters will often reassess their career, their location, and even their relationship. If you are a recent empty nester, know that you are not alone. Knowing why other Illinois couples choose to get divorced during this time may help you create a plan for your own future. 

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