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Why You Should Be Careful Using Social Media During an Illinois Divorce

 Posted on July 21,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerIt may be tempting to use social media as a source of support during your divorce case. While there are benefits to using social media, there may also be drawbacks. What you post on your social media accounts may be used as evidence against you in the divorce proceedings. Accordingly, you be careful when you want to discuss any details about your case in a public setting,

Your Social Media Posts May Not Be as Private as You Think

Even if you have your posts set to “friends only,” your spouse’s attorney may have a way to access them. Each contested divorce case has a discovery process where the attorneys can gather evidence that is in the other’s possession. Your spouse’s attorney may be able to seek your social media posts, and you will be obligated to produce them.

Pictures and Statements Can Be Evidence in Your Case

There are things that can be used against you in your case. For example, if you are being accused of adultery, pictures of you with another person could be used to prove the case for a fault divorce. In addition, you may need to take the stand to testify in your own case. If you have made any statements on social media that are inconsistent with what you have said under oath, your spouse’s attorney may use them to challenge your testimony and credibility.

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How Do I Prepare for a Divorce Deposition?

 Posted on July 07,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerIf you are in the middle of a contested divorce, your case would need to go through the discovery process. During this process, you and your spouse would exchange information, including financial data. In addition, you could also need to sit for a deposition. Here, you will be questioned under oath for up to seven hours. There is no question that depositions can be stressful experiences, and preparation is the key.

Master the Facts in Your Own Case

You are not going to win your case at the deposition. You are merely answering questions from your spouse’s lawyer who wants to learn information from you. To give the most effective testimony, you must have a mastery of the facts in your case. You do not want to be uncertain about what you are saying because you could then make a mistake. The more you know about your own case, the more in control you are, and you are less likely to be rattled.

Be Prepared for Difficult Questions

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How Does Parental Alienation Harm the Children?

 Posted on June 30,2023 in Child Custody / Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

IL custody lawyerChildren should be able to enjoy a close relationship with each of their parents, as it is certainly in their best interests. In some cases, one parent will interfere with a child’s relationship with the other parent. When a parent engages in alienation, it has serious short and long-term effects on the children. A Naperville family law attorney can help you take action to hopefully put an end to this dangerous practice.

What Is Parental Alienation?

Parental alienation is one parent is relentlessly negative about the other to the children or in their presence. The parent’s intent is to make their children think less of the other parent. The parent wants the child to identify with them over the other parent. The children will pull away from the targeted parent to varying degrees. The children will begin to internalize the alienating parent’s negativity to the targeted parent. They may even refuse to speak with or see the targeted parent. There can be a permanent wedge between the child and the targeted parent, which may only be bridged after extensive therapy.

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Can I Be Obligated to Pay for Private School for My Child?

 Posted on June 19,2023 in Child Support

IL family lawyerNot every child’s educational needs and situation are the same. In addition, two parents may not agree on what type of education is best for their child. One parent may wish to send their child to a private school, while the other may oppose it. An Illinois family law attorney can advise you on how to handle this situation. Any dispute could end up in family court if the parents cannot reach an agreement.

The Best Interests of the Child Test Applies

Every child custody decision in Illinois is made after considering the best interests of the child. This holds true whether the issue of private school is raised during the divorce or any time afterward. Some things that a court may take into account include:

  • The child’s educational history
  • Any special needs that the child has
  • Family history of attending private school
  • The child’s performance in school

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What Is Parental Alienation in a Custody Matter?

 Posted on June 16,2023 in Child Custody / Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

IL family lawyerWhen two parents end their relationship, they should not put the children in the middle of their conflict. One parent may show unjustified and relentless negativity towards the other parent when speaking to the children. The result is that the children’s relationship with the other parent may suffer. This is known as parental alienation. An Illinois family law attorney can help you address parental alienation once you learn that it is happening.

How Parental Alienation Harms the Children

Alienation is referred to as a form of child abuse, and with good reason. One parent is taking advantage of their power over the children to harm their relationship with the other parent. Alienation will cause a number of short and long-term impacts on the children, including:

  • An inability to develop relationships
  • Delinquent behavior and lack of impulse control
  • A loss of self-esteem

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How Are Businesses Valued in an Illinois Divorce?

 Posted on June 01,2023 in Divorce

IL divorce lawyerWhen one or both spouses own a business, it is considered a marital asset. Thus, it would be subject to equitable division under principles of Illinois law. However, the two spouses may not be able to agree on a valuation of the business because each may have their own competing interests. Business valuation can make a divorce more complex, and you should contact a DuPage County divorce attorney to protect your own interests.

Expert Witnesses Can Help You Establish a Value

Each spouse would need to hire at least one expert to give their opinion about the business value. You may also require forensic accountants to testify about the company’s cash flow and profitability. Oftentimes, business valuations become a “battle of the experts.” Your attorney would have a network of qualified experts to enlist for your case.

Experts May Use Different Valuation Methods

Two experts could reach very different conclusions, based on both the methodology they use and their inputs into the model. Here are some ways that businesses can be valued:

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What Are Examples of Things That Cannot Be Included in a Prenuptial Agreement?

 Posted on May 26,2023 in Prenuptial Agreements

IL divorce lawyerWhile a useful tool in protecting assets and clarifying financial obligations in case of a divorce, a prenuptial agreement does not cover all aspects of a marriage. In fact, certain matters cannot be included in a prenuptial agreement as they are considered invalid under the law. Today, we will discuss what cannot be included in a prenuptial agreement. However, if you and your spouse are interested in signing a prenup, contact a family lawyer to start the process.

Examples of What Must Be Excluded from a Prenup

While excellent tools, prenups cannot be used for everything. For example, prenups cannot be used for:

  • Child custody and support - Once a child is involved, the court needs to consider the child’s best interests. Any agreement that pre-determines child custody or support would not be valid in court.

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My Ex-Husband Has Fled Illinois with My Child. What Should I Do?

 Posted on May 17,2023 in Child Custody / Allocation of Parental Responsibilities

IL family lawyerIf you are a parent who is experiencing a situation where your ex-husband has fled the state with your child, it can be a devastating and emotionally tumultuous experience. However, it is essential to know that in this kind of situation, you have legal options available to ensure that you are able to reunite with your child and regain your rights to custody and visitation. During this frightening time, contact a family law attorney to learn more about your potential legal course of action during this time.

Here is What You Should Do Right Now

The first step you should take is to contact law enforcement as soon as possible. By reporting your ex-husband’s actions to the police, you can initiate a search for your child and file a missing child report. You should provide law enforcement with as much information as possible, including your child’s name, age, physical description, and any unique information that could help locate them. The police will then enter your child’s information into the National Crime Information Center (NCIC), which will alert law enforcement agencies nationwide.

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What to Know About Financial Restraining Orders in Illinois Divorce Cases

 Posted on May 10,2023 in Division of Assets

IL divorce lawyerDivorce can be an emotionally, mentally, and financially grueling process, with long-long lasting consequences for both the spouses and any children that are involved. While the parties are negotiating a settlement, it is important to ensure that the two spouses preserve their existing assets. In cases where one spouse believes that the other spouse may try to hide or dissipate assets or is spending exorbitant amounts of money on non-essential items, a financial restraining order may be necessary to ensure marital funds are not recklessly spent or transferred. If you have these concerns about your spouse, consult with your divorce attorney to understand your options and decide whether pursuing a financial restraining order is appropriate at this time.

Most Important Aspects of Financial Restraining Orders

The process of seeking a financial restraining order begins by petitioning the court. Please also understand that these types of orders are not automatically granted. Essentially, a financial restraining order is a tool a court uses to prohibit either spouse from transferring or disposing of any assets during the divorce proceedings. In addition, it bars the parties from incurring any new debt unless it is for necessities, like groceries, paying bills, etc. The idea behind financial restraining orders is to protect the parties’ shared assets that might otherwise be used as leverage by either party or may disappear altogether by the dishonest actions of either spouse. With the finances “frozen,” it ensures that both spouses will have fair claims to all the marital assets while equitable distribution is being determined.

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Here is What You Should Do if You Believe Your Spouse is Dissipating Assets

 Posted on May 03,2023 in Division of Assets

IL divorce lawyerDivorce is a taxing and emotional time. Dissipating assets during divorce is not uncommon when parties may feel disadvantaged by the looming proceeding. When one spouse dissipates assets during a divorce to exercise control over the outcome of issues like property division, it is illegal. Today, we will delve deeper into what you should do if you think your spouse may be dissipating assets.

What is Dissipation of Assets?

Dissipation of assets occurs when one spouse spends marital funds or assets for purposes unrelated to the marriage. This can include gambling, unnecessary expenses beyond reasonable requirements to maintain a particular lifestyle, making investments irrelevant to the marriage, or spending money to support an extramarital affair.

What to Do if You Suspect Asset Dissipation

Here is what to do if you think your spouse is dissipating assets, including:

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